Publication Ethics
Author Duties
1. Authors are required to submit original and accurate reports of the research conducted. Likewise, the data displayed must be accurate. The article also contains sufficient references to allow others to replicate the work.
2. Authors are obliged to ensure that their articles are original. Articles or works of other authors must be cited appropriately as a form of appreciation for the reference article.
3. Authors are advised not to send the same manuscript to other journals simultaneously. This action is unethical. If known, the editor or reviewer can return the author's manuscript as soon as possible.
4. Writing is limited to parties who have made significant contributions to published research. The corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the article for publication
5. If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in his published work, the author is obliged to immediately submit it to the journal editor to revise the article.
6. The articles submitted do not use derogatory words or sentences or demean individual entities or groups on the basis of ethnicity, religion or class. Writers are obliged to uphold respect for human rights.
Editor Duties
1. The editor will at all times evaluate manuscripts without regard to the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy.
2. The editor is prohibited from conveying any information about the manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewer and publisher.
3. The editorial board is responsible for deciding which manuscripts to publish. Editors avoid defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Regarding this decision, the editor can negotiate with the reviewer.
4. The editor is obliged to ensure that every submitted manuscript has been evaluated by the editor before being submitted for review by reviewers. The editor is obliged to explain the peer review process to the author and can show the part of the article that was reviewed by the reviewer. Editors should use peer reviewers who have expertise with the manuscript in question.
Reviewers Duties
1. Reviewers help editors in making editorial decisions and can also help authors in improving manuscripts/articles.
2. Must notify the editor to review manuscripts that are not in their area of expertise.
3. The review must be carried out objectively. Opinions must be expressed based on supporting arguments
4. Every manuscript received for review must be treated as a confidential document, except with the permission of the editor.
5. Reviewers must identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the author. Reviewers are also required to draw the editor's attention if there are substantial similarities or overlaps between the manuscript under consideration and other known published articles.