Author Guidelines
1. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English, contains research results, field research or articles that reflect socio-political phenomena.
2. The manuscript is typed using the Microsoft Word program with A4 size, around 6,500-7,000 words (not including references) in Times New Roman font size 11 pts and 1.5 spacing.
3. The research results writing system consists of:
Maximum title of 14 words, clear, concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations.
Author's Name
The author's name is written without an academic degree, followed by the name of the author's institution, located below the article title. In the case of a manuscript written by a team, the editor is only in contact with the main or first named author. The main author must include his or her correspondence or email address.
Abstract and Keywords
Abstract length ranges from 200-250 words, while keywords are 3-5 words. The abstract must at least contain the objectives, methods and results of the research.
The introduction should sequentially contain the general background and research question or hypothesis. If there is a literature review, it can be included in this chapter. The research objective should be written at the end of the introduction.
Research methods must describe the methods used to overcome problems including the analysis methods. The document should contain sufficient detail to enable the reader to evaluate the suitability of the method and the reliability and validity of the findings.
The author describes the research results in detail.
The research results and discussion section contains the research findings and subsequent discussion. Findings obtained from the results of research conducted should be written with adequate additional data support. Research results and findings should be able to resolve or provide explanations for the questions raised in the introduction.
The closing statement should contain a summary and suggestions. The summary must provide examples of answers given to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or findings obtained. Conclusions do not need to repeat research results and discussions, but rather contain a summation of research results and findings as expected in the research objectives or hypotheses. Suggestions should explain what will be done next regarding the concept of further research.
All references cited in the article text must be written in the bibliography section. References come from primary sources (consisting of scientific journals amounting to 80% of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. The remaining 20% can be research articles or research reports (theses, books and other relevant publications). All references mentioned must be written in the reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) style and arranged from A to Z.
Manuscripts are submitted directly to the Social Studies Development (Perkasa) Journal page by creating a user account as a author.
Tables and figures must have titles and have clear numbers and sources, and be typed in single space.
Check the accuracy of each referenced article and ensure that each work cited in the article is included in the reference. Work not cited but mentioned in the references will be removed by the editor.
4. All manuscripts are studied by reviewers appointed by the editor according to their expertise. Authors are given the opportunity to revise the manuscript based on reviewer or editor suggestions. The decision for publication or rejection will be informed via the author's email addres.
5. The editor has the right to change and correct the spelling, writing and grammar of the published manuscript.
6. Everything related to permission to quote or other matters related to copyright carried out by the author, along with all legal consequences, is the responsibility of the author.