Journal Title Majalah Pengabdian Indonesia
 ISSN (P: 3047-5252) - (E: 3047-5848)
 Initials MAINDO
 Abbreviation MAINDO
 Frequency Three times a year | AprilAugust and December
 DOI prefix 10.69616/maindo
 Editor-in-chief La Ode Abdul Fajar Hasidu  (Scopus ID: 57220785814)
 Publisher Teras Kampus as a member of PT Palem Edukasi Nusantara
 Citation Analysis Google Scholar

MAINDO (Majalah Pengabdian Indonesia) is one of the service journals published by Teras Kampus as a member of PT Palem Edukasi Nusantara. This journal contains thoughts, reflections and findings from activities carried out by researchers or practitioners in order to provide real benefits to society. Please read the writing guide carefully. Writers who wish to submit their manuscripts to the editorial team of MAINDO (Majalah Pengabdian Indonesia) must comply with the writing guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or is written using a different format, the manuscript will be REJECTED by the editor before further review. The editor will only accept manuscripts that meet the format and conditions provided.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Desember 2024

This issue proudly features 5 scholarly articles contributed by 4 distinguished institutions (West Muna Regency, Universitas Halu Oleo, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kendari, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton) throughout Indonesia. The editors thank all the researchers who have chosen the Majalah Pengabdian Indonesia (MAINDO) as a platform to spread the fruits of their labor. Your contributions enrich not only our publication but also the broader scientific community, particularly in the ever-evolving field of technology and applied sciences.

Published: 2024-12-09


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